The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) was founded in 1959 by eight country members of the South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), originally as the SEATO Graduate School of Engineering.

The Asian Institute of Technology is a leading international, intergovernmental institute of higher learning in Asia. AIT works with both public and private sectors throughout the region and some of the top universities in the world. It aims to develop highly qualified and committed professionals, who will play leading roles in the technological innovation and sustainable development of the region.

In 1967, AIT became independent of SEATO, and was established as an autonomous, truly international not-for-profit institution of higher learning. AIT is hosted by Thailand, but does not operate under the ambit of Thailand, and is empowered to grant its own degrees, under the AIT Enabling Act, issued by Thailand in 1967. AIT has a unique international character, with 70% of its 2,000 plus student population hailing from outside the host country, from all corners of Asia and the rest of the world. In 2015, AIT was adjudged the world’s top-ranked international university by the EU-funded U-Multirank 2015 institutional ranking. Today’s AIT graduates are a who’s who of success stories in both the public and private sectors in more than half the world’s countries, including the current Premier of Taiwan. AIT has a very strong global network of institutional partners from all over the world, and as a neutral non-political independent international institution with a regional mandate, provides a platform for Asia, in addressing cross-border regional issues.

Internationality, Quality, Innovation, and Relevance are AIT’s core values.


1987 Science and Technology for Development Award presented to AIT by the United States Agency for International Development and the National Research Council for effectively transferring industrial technology and skills to the developing world, by training scientists and engineers from Asian countries.

1989 Ramon Magsaysay Award for International Understanding presented to AIT for shaping a new generation of engineers and managers committed to Asia, in an atmosphere of academic excellence.

1994 Development Management Award presented to AIT by the Asian Management Awards for fostering manpower development, technological change and sustainable growth in the region, through advanced education and research.

1996 DAAM International Vienna Awards presented by the Danube Adria Association and Manufacturing (DAAM) International Vienna, Austria, to express appreciation to AIT and its high-technology experts from the Industrial Systems Engineering Program of the School of Advanced Technologies for their significant contribution in the field of technical sciences and international scientific cooperation within the framework of DAAM, on the occasion of the 7th DAAM international symposium to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of Austria.

2006 Friendship Order was awarded to AIT in the area of international relations that have contributed to human resource training for Vietnam and to the development of friendly relations between Vietnam and other countries.


2,300 Students from 50+ Countries/Territories, annually

19,000 Alumni from 85 Countries/Territories over 52 years

28,000+ Short-term Trainees from 70+ Countries/Territories

120 World-Class Faculties from 20+ Countries

100+ Research Staff and 500+ Support Staff from about 30 Countries

About 400 Sponsored Research Projects

Intergovernmental Council of Directors


AIT has three schools (SOM, SERD, SET), AIT extension, and AIT Vietnam. The three schools are: School of Management (SOM), School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD), and School of Engineering and Technology (SET).

Professional Master of Project Management in Construction course is under SET – School of Engineering and Technology

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